Dating a smoker can be a real drag. Get it??
When I was younger, I usually ended up dating a guy that smoked. The fact that I, too, was a smoker probably had something to do with it; but more so I think it was his bad boy image of the smoker. He was a little bit dirty (minded, not hygiene!), a little rough around the edges, and he just looked like he knew his way around the bedroom.
Overall, I have found this bad-boy image to be pretty true. Smokers (and/or ex-smokers) are typically much wilder in bed than lifelong non-smokers. (You non-smokers can relax; it’s not true with ALL of you. I’m just speaking generally here. If you are a lifelong non-smoker and you are reading this, I am sure I am not talking about YOU.) Anyway, I am not sure why smokers are mostly less conservative in bed than non-smokers. Perhaps it is a certain devil-may-care, rebel attitude. Or maybe it’s because smokers have a tendency to be orally obsessed. Whatever the reason, I’ll take it.
Personally, I have been smoking since I was 15 years old and have tried to quit hundreds of times. I have journals that I wrote in my 20’s in which I would write on certain dates: 1. Go to the Laundromat. 2: Get groceries. 3: Quit smoking (just in case I forgot). I used to announce the fact that I was quitting in dramatic fashion “I AM QUITTING SMOKING! Tomorrow is the first day of my smoke-free life!” I stopped doing that when the following two things happened when I quit: the first was that my daughter would blame every moment of anger I had on the fact that I had quit smoking. It typically went something like this, “You are just angry that I got black nail polish on the brand new couch because you quit smoking.” Yeah. That’s it. I am not finished paying for the couch yet, but had she ruined it while I was still smoking, I would be ok with it. The second reason that I stopped announcing that I had quit was that I would, inevitably, go back to smoking.
Which leads me (via the scenic route) to my story: While filling out my information on the dating sites, they all have the question of “Are you a Smoker?” You then chose from (something similar to) the following options:
1. Yes.
2. Yes, but I am trying to quit.
3. Socially
4. No Way!
The obvious answer would be #1 but I never go with the obvious. So I went with #2 Yes, but I am trying to quit. My reasoning behind this answer is as follows: occasionally I think “I really should quit”. Since admitting that you have a problem is the first step to dealing with the problem the answer is #2. Yes, but I am trying to quit.
On a side note, answer #3 confounds me. What is a social smoker? Is that like being “kind of pregnant”. Either you are a smoker or you aren’t. There is no in-between. I want to punch the social smokers in the face and say, “Pick a side, Asshole!”, but, I digress….
One day I logged onto the dating site (because I am a glutton for punishment) and some older man, that was way past my selected age range, sent me the following message (and I quote):
“Quit Smoking!!”
He was definitely direct and to the point, I’ll give him that; as was my response:
“I will quit smoking when you quit telling strangers what to do.” Oddly, I never head back from him.
There was another guy that I met on the site that I actually ended up speaking with on the phone. Prior to our conversation, I had read his profile and he had chosen the “NO Way” response to the smoking question. As we discussed possible plans to get together, I mentioned the fact that I smoke and he responded with “I can tell you smoke by the sound of your voice”. Huh. I wasn’t really sure how to respond to that. Was that supposed to be a compliment? I am not sure how it would be unless he followed it up with “…and it’s sultry and sexy.” Damn! And here I was going to give him my best rendition of Kim Carnes’ “Betty Davis Eyes.” Bye-Bye.
A few months ago I ran into a (non-smoking) guy that I dated in the relatively recent past. Since our break-up, he has taken up some kind of power-of-the-mind hypnotism stuff that has, apparently, helped people to quit smoking. Having tried everything but something like that, I asked him in passing if he would be willing to give it a shot on me. He agreed. Neither of us pursued the matter further until a month or so after that when I ran into him again. When he saw me he made it a point to pull his car over to me to inform me that should I pursue the matter further, he wouldn’t charge me the entire hefty fee that he was charging others. I, because of our past relationship, would only have to pay a discounted hefty fee (which was still a hefty fee). Lucky me. Perhaps I had no right to be, but I was a little put off by this. I guess I figured that because we had done dirty little things to each other in the past, and we are still friends, I would get the “I’ve Had You In My Mouth Discount” which would basically make it free since I didn’t charge him for his pleasure either.
What can I say? I’m gifted.