July 31, 2012


So I’m out having a couple of drinks with some friends one night to celebrate another friend’s return to our home state and we are laughing and dancing and having a grand old time when another “friend” (whom I shall call Dicky) decides to step into the “bitter barn” and starts bitching about his soon to be ex-wife.   I (being of sound mind and loose tongue) immediately blurt out, “doesn’t your chosen lifestyle lend itself to your wife leaving you?”  SCREEEEECH.

It kinda felt like one of those movies where they say something really loud and inappropriate right when the music stops and the entire bar turns and looks. Yeah. Like that. It seemed like even the people dry-humping in the corner stopped groping each other to stare at me in awe that I had actually kicked the guy when he was down. 

I looked around, “WHAT???”

Let me explain:  Dicky is a swinger.  I didn’t know this when Dicky friend requested me on Facebook.  I accepted Dicky’s friend request because we had graduated high school together and had many mutual friends.  I didn’t remember Dicky in high school but we had a very large graduating class and I was pretty much stoned for most of my high school career so it didn’t surprise me that I didn’t remember him.  It took me about a month to figure out what Dicky was up to (sometimes I am not too swift on the intake).

The first telling piece of information was all of the pictures Dicky kept posting of himself with beautiful (but trashy) looking blonds.  Now Dicky is not an Adonis. He is short and stout (Yes, like the little teapot) and a little pudgy and I could probably put him in my pocket if I didn’t wear my pants so tight.  So the fact that Dicky had been married for 20+ years and kept posting pictures of himself (and occasionally his wife), with blond bimbos was a little confusing at first. The second piece to the puzzle was that Dicky kept inviting me to numerous parties that he would have and he would have them A LOT.  Like more than once a week there were pictures of him at various skanky-looking soirées to which I had been invited (but thankfully did not attend).  

The last piece of the puzzle (and when the SWINGER marquee finally hit me upside my head) was when I began receiving friend requests from couples in far-off places (“Bob/Liz Smith from Texas want to be your friend.”  How many couples do you know that SHARE a Facebook page??)  After I denied the third couple’s request, l started wondering what the hell was going on and quickly realized that the only thing I had in common with these people was Dicky.   HELLO SWINGERS!

Now (obviously) I am no one to judge how people lead their sexual lives and I have been in a ménage or two in my time but it seems to me if you are in a long-term committed relationship and you are encouraging your spouse to fuck other people, you are playing with fire.  It’s a numbers game, idiot.   At some point in 20+ years, if your spouse is screwing numerous people, he or she is going to find someone that looks better than you, fucks better than you and reads the funnies on a Sunday morning better than you.   It’s pretty much inevitable.  It is the extremely rare case that whatever “special connection” you have with your spouse is the only “special connection” your spouse is going to have in a lifetime, especially when you throw sex into the mix. 

I have met guys that acted like they were the shit because they were “Oh-so-open-minded” to let their wives boink someone else and I come to find out it was purely out of selfish reasons.  They themselves were bored or horny or whatever and under the ruse of being open-minded, simply wanted permission to screw someone else too.  So while he was busy patting himself on the back for letting his wife screw that guy over there, his other hand was firmly planted in some other chick’s Hooha.  Nice.

Even if it isn’t for selfish reasons, and he isn’t looking to fool around with another girl (or guy), which I highly doubt, it’s probably not going to end well.  I speak from experience:

About 25 years ago, I was dating a guy in Florida that wanted to take me on a vacation to his friend’s house in the Keys.  The entire week prior to the vacation he kept telling me how good looking his friend was and how awesome his friend was and that if I wanted to have coitus with his friend he wouldn’t mind.  At first I thought this was some kind of a faithfulness test, so I was adamant that I wasn’t interested.  He kept insisting that he would be fine with it and he and his friend and he were very close and “shared everything” (like a stick of deodorant??).  I told him I understood his point but that I really wasn’t interested because I loved him.  The whole ride down he kept up his song and dance that he would be O.K. with it, should I change my mind.  We pull into the driveway and his shirtless friend comes out to greet us.   Holy. Shit.  Mind changed. 

I’m not really sure what my boyfriend had in mind, or why he was so insistent (looking back I think maybe he either wanted to see what his friend was packing or make his friend jealous of what he had every day), but I’m pretty sure things didn’t transpire the way they were supposed to in his mind. Unfortunately for him, he hadn’t been clear to set the boundaries or the scenario or the scene so that I knew what was OK and what wasn’t and a few nights into our short vacation, he and I got into an argument.  He was being a dick and ignoring me while I was trying to speak to him about whatever stupid disagreement we were having and so I got the shits of trying to talk to him and went to see what his friend was doing in his bedroom.  Needless to say, boyfriend got his wish. Or not.     

At some point my boyfriend actually came looking for me, saw what was going on, and turned around and left (personally, I took that as a “carry on”).  I am guessing by his reaction afterward that things didn’t go the way he thought they would because (wait for it….) he was PISSED.  Yep.  We all could have seen that coming. Needless to say, our relationship was never the same and he treated me as if I had cheated on him (and I treated him like the idiot that he was).  Moral: Be careful what you wish for, People.

How about this idea: If you want to screw other people, STAY SINGLE.  Trust me, it works.

I would like to hear other’s opinion on this subject.  Are you married and have you ever done or considered swinging? Do you know anyone that does and has it worked for them in the long-term?  As a single person would you consider getting involved with a married couple?

For more daily fun and interaction, join the “Antics of a Serial Dater” Facebook page.

July 26, 2012

A Quickie

One of my girlfriends and I were having a conversation via Heytell today. (If you don’t have Heytell you should totally get it! It makes your cellphone into a walkie talkie!)  The conversation pertained to an art gallery opening that we are going to this weekend (because I am all fucking cultured and shit).  And the conversation went like this:

Me:  Is there a cover charge?   (Because while I believe in supporting the arts, I need to make sure I have drinking money.)
Her: Nope! And they will have food and wine!

Me:  My favorite! I LOVE food and wine!
Her: Ohhh  and there will be hot chicks too.  Maybe we can find [our guy friend] a girlfriend!

Me: Oh my God, that would be awesome!  What about guys? Will there be guys there?  (Because while I want my friends to be happy, let’s talk about what’s important here: ME)

Her:  There should definitely be guys there.  Maybe you could fulfill your Cougar dream.

Me:  Funny you should mention that!  I looked up a Cougar website the other day just to see if there were any and there were. But, they seemed to be more like gigolo type of things.
Her: OH MY GOD!! PLEASE sign up for the Cougar dating website, if only for your blog! I mean, take one for the team, Gina!  Do it for your art!

Me: I will take MORE than ONE for the team, girlfriend! MORE. THAN. ONE.

Her:  Whore.

Me: Yes and a very happy one at that…..Hey, don’t judge me. You read Perez Hilton and I fuck.  It’s a choice.
Her:  Hahahaha! You need a T-shirt that says that!!

Me: I'm not sure I could get away with that.

July 10, 2012

Creepy Quiet

So have you ever been sitting around with a friend on a weekend night and you two are like bored outta your minds cause there is nothing on TV and your board games are all the way downstairs in your basement which seems really far? You don’t want to go out driving because you are broke or you have had a few drinks (or you are broke because you bought a few drinks), and you are like sitting around looking at each other all bored and shit and to kill the boredom you decide to have sex?   NO?   Huh.
Well I found myself in this situation awhile ago and as it turns out my friend - who ordinarily can’t seem to shut the fuck up - turned out to be so quiet it was fucking creepy. (Which I have now dubbed a new sexual affliction called “Creepy Quiet.”)
Hey, I’m not looking for a screamer to blow my house down.  I’ve actually had that before and it was very hard to concentrate on the matter at hand with all of the noise going on. I was also quite worried that my neighbors were going to break my door down to rescue the poor fucker being murdered in my bed (another blog, another time). But in this particular case, mum was the word (at least it would have been had he said anything).
It’s always nice to get a little positive feedback, isn’t it? I mean whether a person is working at a job, helping the homeless or having a little spontaneous sex, it’s nice to hear the occasional “atta girl”.  I would accept an appreciative moan or grunt, a happily garbled word; even a loud pant would be acceptable. SOMETHING just to let me know he is still in the game (and wouldn’t rather be playing Scrabble).
Eventually, one really begins to wonder if he is thinking of his grocery list or what the next microbrew is going to be at his favorite bar while he is screwing.  I mean seriously, give a woman a clue.  Are you enjoying it? Does it suck? Are you enjoying the suck?  Would you rather go back to watching infomercials? Because I am ok with that as long as I know that’s the deal. The occasional “that feels good” might be in order in this situation or even a little directional advice (in the timeless words of David Lee Roth, “a little more to the right.”).  For the love of God give me SOMETHING!
I know! How about a compliment? A compliment might be nice.  I mean after all, I was too lazy to walk down the steps to get a fucking board game but I did actually get off the couch and take my clothes off.  And now I am even exercising with him.  That should have gotten me something.
So, I guess talking dirty is out of the question; not to mention role playing. How does one role play with a silent person? He could play the quiet pilot, but eventually would be required to say something when, as the slutty stewardess, I presented him with the question of, “Coffee, tea or me?”  He could always play a mime. He could pretend to be a mime and I could pretend to be the dirty girl that was trying to get him to break his “Code of Mime-Silence”; a mime-fucker, if you will. But I imagine even that would get old eventually as I would never win the game. 
After it was over and I had blurted out, “Wow! You are really creepy quiet!” I suggested getting him a T-shirt (as a public service message) that read “I am Creepy Quiet”. The shirt was simply so that other girls in the future would know in advance and not take it personally. There I go again being all thoughtful to my fellow human beings! He didn’t go for it.
The perfect example, and what reminded me of this situation, was the other night when I was watching the HBO show “Girls”. In this particular episode the main character, Hannah, was having the most awkward sex I have ever seen with a guy she had just met.  It was more awkward than new sex ever should be but that is part of why the show is so funny.  Anyway, during the awkward sex, the new guy blurts out, “What are you doing? Please don’t put your finger in my asshole!” to which Hannah responded with “You weren’t telling me what it was that you wanted at all so I was just trying to guess what you wanted.  You are allowed to just tell me what it is that you want.”
And that, my quiet friends out there, is your lesson of the day: Creepy Quiet can get you a finger up your asshole.  

July 4, 2012

A Gay Crossdresser With the Wrong Parts

My world was turned upside down today as I found out that apparently: I am not a girl.  I know!! I am as surprised as the rest of you!

Here I was happily living my life thinking I have the world by the balls in an “I-am-woman-and-I-got-what-they-want” power-kick and I was floored to discover that I must be a gay crossdresser with the wrong parts.  This all came to a head (which I am still looking for, by the way) when I was checking out the free dating site and scrolled down to the bottom of the page to see the following:

Women’s Top Ten Favorite Ways to Have Someone Flirt with Them

1. Talk about things she likes or dislikes, making comments and showing interest

Yes, showing interest is great.  I recommend it to every human being trying to have any kind of a relationship with any other human being (or a pet for that matter).  Unless you are the Unabomber, you should probably know this.

2. Display concern for her, her feelings and well-being
“Hi! My name is Joe. I hope you don’t have cancer or some other horrible illness.  I hope you aren’t manically depressed and sitting at home deciding whether you should reply to my email or kill yourself.  Write back if you decide on the first one, ok?”

3. Share jokes or amusing anecdotes with her  

“Hi! My name is Tony. So, an old lady and a goat walk into a bar…”

4. Compliment her on her screen name, attitude, personality and appearance  

One must tread lightly about this one.  Too many compliments early on makes one appear to be a bull-shitter, or desperate, or a desperate bull-shitter.  For example: my current screen name has my zodiac sign in it. I have been contacted by guys that were very (and I mean overly) excited about my particular zodiac sign.  So whether he is really hippy-dippy and wants to read my palm or he is just trying to get me excited that he is excited; either way, I don’t want him. 
 On the converse side, just so you guys know, “I think you massive boobs are awesome” is NOT a compliment.    

5. Send her special/cute email messages  

The problems with this one are vast.  First, one man’s “cute” is another woman’s nightmare.  Second, men don’t typically know or do “cute”.  It usually turns into creepy really fucking fast.  Third, what is a cute email message exactly? 

“Hi, Snookiebear! Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you! My name is Bob.”

 Just so you know, “cute” messages from a virtual stranger make most women want to back away slowly from the computer and hide in a closet.
On the other hand, if you have been emailing back and forth with a particular woman on the dating site for awhile, and you are at the point where you are sending “cute” messages through the site and not on her cellphone; you should really move on because she’s either not interested or married.

 6. Makes an effort to contact her in some form most every day

Contacting someone you barely know on a daily basis is not flirting.  It’s stalking.  Get it right.

7. Chats with her when you are online at the same time 

The problem with chatting is that you either chat with the entire world or you don’t chat at all.  There is no in-between. You have to hide yourself from chatting with anyone or you get 35 invitations to chat at the same time.  Nine times out of ten, that is the last thing I have time for when I jump online to check my emails. 
I even had to hide myself on Facebook for God’s sake, and I KNOW those people!  Prior to hiding myself on Facebook it never failed that when I was about to walk out the door I would jump online for a second to check my notifications (for the 47th time today) and 12 people wanted to chat.  I then felt obligated to acknowledge each one and tell them that I don’t have time to chat and by the time I was finished with that I had already missed 2 cheap drinks at happy hour.  No thanks.

8. Discusses seriously the traits she desires in a partner

This one I agree with as it works for women and men alike.  I just haven’t figured out a nice way to say, “How big is your dick?” early on in the conversation. I am working on that one.

9. Show her your daring or mischievous side 

Again, this one is perception. What is a guy supposed to do to show his daring or mischievous side without looking like one of the buffoons from “Jackass”??  You can’t do sarcasm in writing without a sarcasm font (and when the HELL is someone going to come up with that?) so that isn’t going work.  Should he suggest a romantic bank robbing?  I don’t understand.

 10. Emails her greeting cards, gifts, pictures songs or fun attachments

We have already discussed this in a previous blog: http://anticsofaserialdater.blogspot.com/2011/12/living-in-virtual-world.html.  I think virtual gifts are virtually stupid.

I would like to note here that the last time I checked (in a “Fried Green Tomatoes” moment) I was female. However, after reading the above list of what I, as a female, am supposed to like and the fact that I physically flinched at each and every one of those “flirting ideas,” I am beginning to wonder…